Membership is open to dermatologists (ordinary membership), trainees in dermatology (trainee membership), medical practitioners who are not dermatologists but have special interest in dermatology and scientific workers in the fields related to dermatology (associate membership). The Society confers honorary membership to persons who have given distinguished service to the Society or to the advancement of dermatology in Singapore.
The society currently consists of 180 members of whom 165 are based in Singapore and 15 are doctors based overseas.
Types of Membership
Membership shall be of seven categories – ordinary, trainee, associate, corresponding, honorary, life and overseas members.
Ordinary Members shall be practicing dermatologists working in Singapore, and accredited by the Specialist Accreditation Board of the Ministry of Health. Please note that some ordinary members admitted before the year 2001 are non-dermatologist medical practitioners. For a list of accredited dermatologists in Singapore, please click here.
Trainee members shall be trainees in dermatology registered with the advanced specialty training programme of the Joint Committee on Specialist Training. When a trainee member is exit-certified, he or she will automatically qualify as an Ordinary Member and must notify the Honorary Secretary.
Associate members shall be non-dermatologist medical practitioners (including pathologists) or scientific workers who have a major interest in dermatology.
Overseas members shall be members not resident in Singapore and practicing dermatologists working outside Singapore. They must be accredited dermatologists in their respective country of practice. Overseas members cannot hold office and cannot vote.
Life members shall be ordinary members who have been with the Society for at least 20 years or retired from practice by reason of age or disability. Such members shall be conferred life membership automatically once they are eligible.
Corresponding members shall be distinguished dermatologists residing outside Singapore who have close links with the Society and who are recommended by the executive committee and elected by a majority at a general meeting.
Honorary members shall be distinguished persons who have rendered notable service to the Society or to the advancement of dermatology in Singapore and are recommended by the executive committee and elected by majority at a general meeting.
The annual subscription for ordinary, trainee and associate members shall be $50.00.
The annual subscription for overseas members shall be $25.00.
Life, honorary and corresponding members shall not be required to pay any subscription.
Rights & Privileges of Membership
Members are entitled to attend meetings of the Society.
Only members are entitled to attend General Meetings of the Society. Only ordinary, trainee, life and honorary members are entitled to vote at General Meetings.
Members receive full and archival access to Journal of American Academy of Dermatology and British Journal of Dermatology.
Members will be granted access to the Members’ Area of the Society’s website and the resources contained therein.
The society obtains educational grants regularly for members to attend international conferences. Members are eligible to apply for scholarships, research grants and educational grants administered by DSS.
Members are kept up to date on international dermatology conferences.
Members shall receive preferential rates for registration at conferences or scientific meetings organised or co-organised by DSS.
How to apply
The membership application form may be downloaded here.
Application for membership must reach the Honorary Secretary by post or email.
Please remember to sign and date the application form before sending it off.
Supporting Documents
All applications for membership must be accompanied by the following supporting documents, placed in the order that is presented.
Certificates must be certified true copies, unless already verified and listed in the applicant’s profile on SMC website.
Undergraduate and/or postgraduate degrees in medicine or a relevant scientific field (e.g. MBBS / MRCP / MSc)
Proof of medical registration (practicing certificate from SMC or overseas medical regulatory body)
Traineeship letter from Resident Advisory Committee
Specialist Certificate from Specialist Accreditation Board
Letter from overseas regulatory body certifying that the applicant is a dermatologist
Updated Curriculum Vitae, highlighting the applicant’s involvement and achievements in dermatology
Letters of endorsement (see below)
Letter of good standing by applicant’s local dermatological society
Applicants must submit letters of endorsement from 2 ordinary members of the Society.
Please have your endorsers include the following items in their letters of recommendation:
Nature and duration of your association
Summary of your activities in dermatology
Attestation of moral character
Incomplete letters will delay final processing of your application.
Outcome of application
Action on your request for membership will be made by the Executive Committee during our quarterly meetings. You will be notified shortly thereafter of their decision.
To be eligible for the discounted member rates for our annual scientific meetings, all membership application should reach the Executive Committee 4 weeks before the DSS Annual Scientific Meetings.
The executive committee reserves the right to reject applications without informing the applicant of their reasons for rejection.
We look forward to hearing from you. If you have further questions or if we may be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.